Vernadsky Challenge 2020 is an Engineering startup contest that brings engineers together. All engineering startups with an innovative idea of a finished product are invited to apply.
The Vernadsky Challenge 2020 is interested in applicants who can fill any of the following categories:
Space Technologies: Space-related projects like Rockets, launch mechanics, satellites, space engineering, AI for aerospace and everything related to getting closer to space is what we need.
Active Bioelectronics:Use of technology in multiplying human abilities which includes making human body better via technologies. Developing projects in order to help disabled person to walk again, Сreating a technology for the bodies of people with specific professions.
Benefits: The Startup will receive a grant of up to $70.000
Eligibility: Open to teams with the most innovative ideas for hardware in space technologies and active electronics
Deadline: September 1 2020
Get more details and application link HERE