When the world started from stone and moved to bronze and the Renaissance Age, through this gradual progress, it soon saw the need to go digital not as a result of mere thought but due to the presence of problems that craved solutions. It would therefore not be illegal to say that Digitization is a result of past problems in order to update and upgrade the future
Navigating through this knowledge, we will explore the essence of Digital Literacy in a prospective Digital Economy. Digital Literacy is the technical knowledge of the digital –edge; to know and to use to solve real-world problems while Digitization is putting Digital Literacy into active practice and not passive practice
This world is fast growing and as a result of these changes, more problems are visible. Problems bring about solutions. Now, the school of thought has it that for the globe to progress and its economy to bolster, it must adopt the medium of socialism, communism or is it capitalism. Although these are global phenomena that must scale the economy of any nation if Digital Literacy is not employed, these thoughts would be cast away. See it this way – if you intend to build a formidable economic webpage and you do not consult the oracles (White Crackers or Hackers as you call them), such a project is already a failed project. Though you fail, you will still win.
Digital Literacy is Key to Digitization
Brainstorm here – Does it look possible that the world will go back to analogue? You know the answer. Now, let us be clear here. Analogue idea was not and will not be a bad idea but as long as the number keeps increasing and it requires speed, it is ideal to go for digital save you have a counterintuitive idea. Nevertheless, analogue keeps doing what it does best and Digital will always serve it purpose. Now, in terms of accuracy, Analogue is not always accurate on both sides. Digital could be flawed. (Hybrid being accurate calls for a debate). Obviously, in today’s ever-evolving world, the knowledge of digital products, gadgets services, and elements will always cause a scalable progress to be a business organization or institution
Now, let us get into the matter. A lot of brands (businesses and organizations) will always want to be out there creating value in the ecosystem and making a name, though supply exceeds demand, the results will be in great abyss resulting in brand or business shutdown, leading to temporary instability in the economy.
In terms of Digital Literacy, these are major areas to major in order to give scalable progress (to bolster a digital economy)
- Digitization in Manufacturing/Operations: You know even in math, when the numerator is greater than the denominator, we say [CANNOT] and so it is in business. When 200,000 are requesting a product or service and your current capacity which could be analogue is 120, 000, from the analysis it is visible such a brand is running at a loss. Could it be the onboarding of a client and the process is slow, people tend to lose interest in the process? You see, people like you value time, and if things get slower, one would be reluctant to wait even for a moment (90 seconds). Now, just as human as we all are, your clients and customers are likewise and it must win them through value, you must be very conscious of the time needed. It could be time to manufacture products in advance and give a timely delivery, could it be offering a timely service (video editing for instance) and your client needs a speedy delivery; now, if you do not optimize your mode of operation and go digital, the result is obvious. Concluding this we must know that time is an asset and digitalizing operations such as manufacturing or even onboarding will save expenses of over 52%
In what I say, I lie, not
- Digitization in Hiring | Teamwork | Collaboration
When Google as a Technology Corporation took the decision to embrace remote work (GIG), they were very thoughtful in their action. However, not all positions are meant to be remote. Critical roles such as Chief Executive Officers of a firm are not meant to be remote unless in certain situations (which will not be always applicable). The remote working era should be placed on trivial jobs. Nevertheless, remote working helps to cut down the cost of business organization operations (this action must be well thought out). You see, just as you will tell someone “Please be fast”, businesses and organizations also want to be fast and if you are not fast, you will be less valuable. In the business world today, Human Resource Managers will tend to hire those who are Digitally literate and this is what coals for digitization in key areas of the team. This is the sole reason a Professional skilled in Digital Literacy would be preferred over a Professional with firsthand experience in fieldwork. For a brand, business, or organization to be in possession of digitally literate professionals, such enterprise will be a top service provider in that niche thereby being of value to clients, customers, and other organizations or brands (i.e. B2B). Additionally, to foster active collaboration, a team must have the initiative to put to use digital platforms that could also foster community engagement – Zoom, Notion, and Trellor. These platforms do not just aid community engagement of a brand but also foster active participation in team work thereby giving the possibility of a service being rendered even without present commitment. Just as there are Pros, there are also Cons such as laxity in the team and this should be put in constant check in online teams and should be effectively addressed to better the team, community, and at large the brand.
- Digitization in Policy Making
Could it be possible to make a critical decision without consultation – obviously NO! Right now, The Government Republic Democratic, Military, and Industry experts are policymakers in a state and unless policies that are being enacted are crucial to changes in a particular sector, an enabling environment is not possible. Without the policy of the BRICS most startups, companies, organizations, and institutions would not have operated freely under that atmosphere. Now, these policies are good but as long as tomorrow is after today, there are bound to be changes. What worked in 2020 cannot scale in 2024. It is very obvious that the world is ever-changing even as it is coming to its end and this is a call for policymakers in various sectors to be on deck by creating a more enabling ambiance for producers and consumers, mutually. That being said, It is due that policy made are digitally inclined, How Inclined? Inclined in such a way that 1) It should be mandatory for all sectors, government, and business-related should consider going digital so as to render optimum operations 2) Inclined in that policies are not taxing and demanding to brands, organizations, and institutions 3) Inclined in such a way that the policies are futuristic in its approach and not just based on the present day. Among these, policymakers Makers, Industry Experts must create a well-optimized environment for brands organizations, and businesses under their conditional watch so as to enable a prospective digital economy
In conclusion, not all digital literates are creative though all digital creative are literates. It is well commendable to keep updated with industry trends in order to be conscious of the flow. Being literate in Android does not guarantee your literacy in MacOS. Just keep improving, keep understanding how things work, and see how you could be relevant in your endeavor thereby strengthening your work ecosystem and in turn our digital economy