In the digital age, no progress can be made without digitization
In our world today where technology is the order of the day, helping work to be done easier and faster (more done in less time and transformation) from analog to digital. The trend is constantly improving every day as a result of creativity among the sons of men. But, where there are not enough spoons, how will the people eat? This is what calls for attention – THE DIGITAL DIVIDE. An airport is worthless as anything if it has a lot of airplanes but no air pilot (even though self-driving is induced). As the days go by, businesses, firms, and organizations are seeking to reduce inefficiency, optimize workflows, and streamline operations. Although there are such aspirations, if the drivers of this phenomenon are lagging, then is the end beginning.
In economics, the law of definite proportions is where there is a balance between supply and the same balance in demand (but supply should be optimized because there is growth or increase in demand). Likewise, this can be transcribed to a digital perspective. The supply is lacking, but the demand is high. Startups and organizations intend to progress year by year but this is sometimes retarded by the unavailability of skilled workers, inaccessibility of harnessable potentials, and lack of quality in available and accessible. Now, the truth is this – Life is simply complex. It requires more action than thought, but if it requires thought, it should be creative and not competitive.
- If you faint in the day of trouble, your strength is small
Heads on! That Bible phrase by Jesus Christ “harvest truly is plenteous but the laborers are few…pray the lord of the harvest that he may send more laborers”. Sending more laborers is what will be expounded here. There are three strategies that could be used to achieve digital transformation, further bridging the digital divide, globally. They are:
1) Digital Literacy
2) Digital Equity
3) Digital Collaboration
Digital Literacy: It is widely known that a literate person is one who can read and write. Also, listening and speaking should not be excluded from the game. A digital literate person is one who is inclined to digital assets and understands how to use it to further better the lives of others and their own. This is also a techie (IT Jargon Intended). As usual, there is a lot to be done by organizations and institutions that will activate digital literacy among the teaming population, further bridging the digital divide. Organizations should not be all about hiring and rehiring but should consider empowering the already existing employees on the essence of digital transformation, further bridging the skills gap. Also, institutions should not just be all about the conventional curriculum but should allot more resources to the learning of education through a digital medium, also its skills, and how it could be of effect to various sectors of life. Moreover, it is up to the participants to take on the chance, leverage, and get the best out of it. Digital literacy is the foundation for bridging the digital divide and further imposing Digital transformation. Africa has the largest youngest population and this should be harnessed rather than humbled, explored, and not exploited
Digital Equity: When there is reclusiveness that limits a particular class or race of people from accessing a resource or facility, there is no equity. For visible progress to be seen, which can bridge the digital divide, there must be a certain limit to which digital Equity must be embarked. Resources and materials should be made available without restriction. Now, aside from the government, which still has a major role to play, organizations and universities has a quota to contribute in the sector to help bridge the skills gap, through resource center’s learning labs, among others. The government as a body should enable learning platforms to which citizens can acquire information at little or no cost, and also, the beneficiaries must make good use of opportunities like this. This should not exclude accessibility to optimal internet connection; workspaces and major facilities with equipment like universities should be equipped with up-to-date gadgets that can be used to foster online learning. Once there is equal accessibility to those who intend to make the best use of the technological age, there would be little or no limit to which we could harness skills, unlock potentials, and further express them, which would hinder digital transformation in Africa. This will in turn bridge the digital divide among the teaming population in Africa and beyond. This is the second foundation and withal, progress cannot be significant, further achieving great strides
Digital Collaboration: The progress that developed nations have made in recent times. Countries like China and Japan can be linked to collaborative actions among teaming players. As the old age goes, no Man nor woman is an island. Even successful people have the contribution of other people who have impacted their lives. Collaboration has a huge role to play in terms of the digital divide bridge. Here in Africa, the teaming population should be able to make strategic partnerships inbound—Africa—and outbound—Europe. Without collaboration, development would be retarded. Aside from personal development in terms of collaboration, the government and stand-out organizations are factors in fostering strategic reforms that will further impact the continent, thereby bridging the digital divide maybe forever
In summation, digital transformation has a lot to offer but it can be retarded by the digital divide. Everyone and every organization has a part to play. The Digital Divide is what is causing a shortage in the job market, and if not being looked into, it would cost a great deal. The earlier the better. Skills should be refined; Talents should be harnessed, creativity should be unleased, while merit should be employed. Also, resources and materials should be made available to value-seekers. When Value Seeker is developed, there will be an incline in value drivers, further having an enormous technological impact in Nigeria, Africa, and beyond. Hopefully, forever.