Messaging platform Telegram has blocked over 15.4 million groups and channels in 2024 as part of an intensified crackdown on harmful content, including fraud, terrorism, and child sexual abuse material (CSAM). The company shared these figures on its newly launched moderation page, aimed at enhancing transparency in its efforts to tackle problematic content.
This move follows the recent arrest of Telegram founder Pavel Durov in France, where he faces charges for poor content moderation that allegedly made the platform a haven for terrorists and drug traffickers. While the case is still pending, Durov has been released on €5 million bail.
Telegram attributed its progress to the use of advanced AI moderation tools, which help block tens of thousands of groups and channels daily. These efforts target content that promotes violence, terrorism, and illegal activities. In 2024, Telegram blocked 705,688 groups related to CSAM and is expanding its database of banned images, now incorporating hashes from organizations like the Internet Watch Foundation.
Telegram also revealed it had blocked 129,986 terrorist-related communities in 2024, strengthening its partnership with organizations like ETIDAL to combat extremism. Since 2022, Telegram has removed over 100 million pieces of terrorist content in collaboration with ETIDAL.
The legal issues for Durov arose after his arrest in France on August 24, 2024, upon arriving to meet President Emmanuel Macron. He faces accusations of not adequately curbing extremist and illegal content on Telegram, which boasts over 900 million users. Durov was granted conditional release, required to report to police twice a week and remain in France. In his first statement post-release, Durov acknowledged Telegram’s content moderation challenges but criticized holding tech founders accountable for user actions. He also pointed out that Telegram has an EU compliance officer ensuring adherence to European laws.