Telegram has introduced a series of updates, including a verification feature, to enhance security and curb scams on its platform.
In a recent blog post, the cloud-based messaging app revealed that the new verification system, which was previously available only to public figures and organizations, will now extend to trusted third-party entities like regulatory bodies and educational institutions. Verified accounts will display a unique logo instead of the traditional blue checkmark, making them easily recognizable.
“This decentralized platform for additional verification will help prevent scams and reduce misinformation, setting a new safety standard for social platforms,” Telegram said.
To gain verification, users and organizations must complete an application process. Verified entities can also manage their affiliated accounts through Telegram’s bot API, displaying their logos on their profiles.
In addition to the verification feature, Telegram has introduced the option to convert gifts into NFTs (non-fungible tokens), which can be traded across various platforms. While users will incur fees to cover blockchain transaction costs, Telegram believes this feature could transform digital gifting.
Other updates include enhanced search filters for private chats, groups, and channels, as well as a new emoji reaction feature for service messages, such as when users join groups.
These changes underscore Telegram’s commitment to increasing trust, security, and user engagement on its platform.