This Forum aims to promote a space for exchange, debate, and construction of knowledge related to the problem of productive development and of SMEs in particular. This Forum is a great opportunity for academics, entrepreneurs, civil servants, support agents, and other actors in the business ecosystem to come together and reflect on shared experiences.
For this reason, the presentation of research papers and experiences that will contribute to providing answers to the specific problems of SMEs and proposals that lead to promoting their development are accepted.
Paper Topics
1. Creation of Companies and Entrepreneurship
2. Innovation in SMEs and New Production Models
3. Business Management and Internalization
4. Studies with a Gender Perspective
Important Dates
Thursday, September 15
Deadline for uploading abstracts of research papers, experiences, and posters through the SMEWORLDFORUM.COM website.
Friday, September 30
Deadline for notification of acceptance of abstracts of research papers, experiences, and posters. Notification of the final modality of presentation assigned to each work.
Forms of Participation (Research Work)
- Advanced or completed research papers are included. They should include a theoretical foundation, results, and conclusions.
- Theoretical-Methodological Discussions
- Problematization work on methodological aspects, theoretical frameworks, or critical reviews of the state of the art on a specific problem.
Cases of experience or best practices of firms, networks, or institutions that show relevant results for the development and sustainability of SMEs.
Apply HERE.