D-Prize is for aspiring entrepreneurs from anywhere in the world, of any age, and any background.
Funding will be considered for existing organizations only if: you are piloting a new distribution-focused initiative, and you need high risk capital.
D-Prize programs produce new “distribution entrepreneurs” – social entrepreneurs who start new ventures that distribute proven life-enhancing technologies to millions of people living in extreme poverty.
You should have enormous ambition, and can imagine yourself as a successful entrepreneur.
You are ready to launch your new venture, and – if a pilot proves successful – you are excited to grow it into a world changing organization.
If you are still a student or have existing commitments, you should have a clear idea how to transition into a full-time founder.
D-Prize is exclusively interested in ventures that will scale distribution of an already proven poverty intervention in the developing world. We do not fund prototypes of promising new interventions. Please respond to one of our distribution challenges found at: www.d-prize.org/#challenges
D-Prize challenges are open to anyone or any teams. The sole restriction is that individuals and their immediate family on the judging panel may not participate as a contestant.
D-Prize is also open to any business model (for profit, non-profit, and everything in between).
All winners will be awarded up to $20,000. The award is offered in the form of a convertible grant.
Up to 20 of the most promising proposals will be selected for funding awards, regardless of which challenge track was selected.
Submission Policies
- Proposals must be submitted following the instructions in this packet.
- Extra material outside of the proposal will not be considered.
- Revisions to proposals after submission will also not be considered.
- Only one proposal per person or partnership will be considered.
- Proposals must be written in English.
Deadlines and the Prize Process
Round 1:
First Round proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis, using the following deadlines. We strive to send decisions out within three weeks. Judges may request additional information via email before making a decision.
- Early decision deadline : October 18 , 2020 at midnight PT (Pacific Time). Early decision proposals are more likely to advance to the next round.
- Regular deadline : November 8, 2020 at midnight PT.
- Extension deadline : November 29, 2020 at midnight PT. Extensions are limited to the first people who register at: www.d-prize.org/extension
Round 2:
Top entrepreneurs invited to participate in Round 2 will be asked to draft and submit a full plan of their venture, roughly 10 pages in length plus any desired appendices. The plan will include more details on operations, a budget, milestones, and other items. Participants will receive a Round 2 Proposal Packet with full instructions.
Those invited to the Second Round will have about four weeks to submit a plan.
Final Round:
Entrepreneurs invited to the Final Round will interview with judges over email and on the phone. Depending on the promise and cost-effectiveness of a proposal, judges may award up to $20,000 in funding. The average D-Prize award size is $12,000.
Piloting Winning Ventures:Besides direct funding, D-Prize can assist in helping your venture attract future funding
More details and application link HERE